24 x 7 Metered Water: Improving water supply in rural areas of Punjab

Aiming to maximise coverage of villages availing water supply schemes, the 24×7 Metered Water Supply initiative has successfully involved the community in planning and implementation and metering water consumption for judicious use in Punjab. The nodal department, the Department of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (DRWSS), Government of Punjab, has also introduced a novel pull-model of proactively calling beneficiaries to obtain beneficiary feedback and to address grievances on water supply service. In order to inculcate sustainable practices in the usage of water, to ensure parity in its usage, and to ensure that water charges are paid, water meters and a system of pay-per-use has been introduced in 15 villages of Punjab.
Funds that are left over after the completion of tasks are ploughed back into water and sanitation-related projects in the village as they are not permitted to be used for other purposes.

This case study is a part of Good Practices Resource Book 2015 and can be found on page 195.