The Government of Karnataka has been among the front ranking states in adopting and implementing e-governance based solutions for providing better delivery of services and also improving the internal efficiency of state agencies. The distinguishing aspect about the state of Karnataka is that it has also put a lot of emphasis on improving the governance practices in rural areas and incorporated ICT based innovations for effective and enhanced delivery of services. The Pancha Tantra Online System is one such innovative ICT based initiative implemented by the GoK and the RDPR to improve the functioning of the Gram Panchayats through an automated process of accounting and budgeting of rural finances and expenditures.
The efficacy of this online system lies in the fact that it has successfully incorporated the new Panchayat Act Rules (2006) and transformed the functioning of the Gram Panchayats by introducing the Double Entry Accounting system. The Pancha Tantra online is a user friendly application with several built in features and a simplified process flow which assists the beneficiaries to maintain online financial records and monitor the functioning of the GP’s thereby ensuring transparency and accountability. The Pancha Tantra online accounting system enables the government and the citizens to access all the necessary information about the functioning and performance of the GP’s and ensure timely redressal. In view of its contributions in the field of e-governance the Pancha Tantra Online was awarded the National e-governance Gold Award 2010.
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